The Vampire Diaries by L J Smith

The Vampire Diaries (The Vampire Diaries, #2)

by L.J. Smith

Damon, the evil vampire brother is detemined to make school beauty Elena his queen of darkness. Even if it means killing his own brother to possess her. Stefan, Damon's brother and Elena's boyfriend, is desperate for the power to destroy Damon - but knows that means succumbing to his thirst for human blood. Elena, irresistibly drawn to both brothers, knows her choice will decide their fate. But who will she choose...?

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

3 of 5 stars

This book worked better for me, and I am getting used to the American narrator, as it does sound quite dated. The book follows on straight away from The Awakening. This book is perfectly titled as the The Struggle. We see Elena struggle between Stefan and Damon, which we all knew would happen, but it is quick.

Elena and Stefan are already in complete and absorbing love, however, Damon with his bad-boy persona, has a hold over Elena. Things are going to get dark.

It would be a romance story of teenage angst if secrets weren’t kept and Elena is keeping a lot from Stefan. A lot of times I was groaning at her questionable behaviour, especially as Elena kept professing she didn’t want to keep secrets! Woman!

The main story with this book is about Elena’s diary that was stolen from the first book and the discovery of who has stolen and why. This did have vibes of Carrie when you find out what these people have in store for Elena, but wait….there is a knight in shining armour on their way and he might just be dressed in black, be Italian, and might not be Stefan.

Alaric has shown up, and he is a lot younger in the books than in the show, his past is in the dark, not even we know at this stage who he is and how he will play out. I think I prefer adult Alaric from the show, but it is nice to see some of the characters from the show.

Bonnie has had a foreboding message to keep Elena away from a bridge when they are trying to find Stefan who was missing at the beginning. They have to keep her away from this bridge, but the story is getting near to the end and unfortunately, the bridge is in sight.

Events happened, shocking events, all involving Stefan, Damon and Elena. Elena has a decision to make, she can hear Stefan and Damon arguing but who is she going to?

It is a waste of time comparing the show against the book now, they are two separate entities. I loved the show, so when I listen to the book in my head that is who I see, not how the characters are described. I can’t think of Bonnie as a redhead or Elena as a blonde. Doesn’t work for me now!

Off I trot to book 3!

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  • Started reading
  • 17 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2020: Reviewed