Reviewed by Berls on

5 of 5 stars

Well for a novella this was fucking fantastic. Too bad I now realize that I need to go back and read the whole Winston Brothers series, which I see Just Folking Around and the subsequent series is actually a spin off from. Yes, I could probably read this just fine without that background, but I don't want to. I have a feeling that the couple getting married - this novella starts at a wedding - are a couple from one of the Winston Brothers books. And yeah, I want all that background.

On the plus, if those books are anything like this novella, it really will not be a hardship. I've been told how great Penny Reid is for quite some time and I've really truly meant to read her books, but you know how many books I own and haven't read, to be reading books I don't own? Well, all that changed when I read Homecoming King and I am officially Penny Reid hooked. She's damn consistent in that her books (that I've read thus far) are hilarious. And I do love the characters.

Somehow this novella, though, managed to pack so much sexyness into a quick read. We're talking fire, get the water hose because wowza! And also I feel like I understand so much about these characters - Raquel Ezra, uber confident hollywood starlet with a vulnerable side she's not willing to face, and the deputy - kind and sees right through that confidence to the vulnerability and is ready to safegaurd her if she will just let him. I mean, I don't know if that's EXACTLY how this will play out becuase it's a novella and I really have to read the next book to know, but that's what I'm hoping for based on this greatness I just read.

And all that, from a freebie :)

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  • 16 January, 2023: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2023: Reviewed