Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

5 of 5 stars

This 4.5 latte mugs review was first published on Latte Nights Reviews.

Can everyone just agree that this book was just so freaking cute?! Out of the members of the Willow Creek band, I have to admit that Ezra's story was the one I was less looking forward to simply because I barely got to read about him in Last To Know and Never Too Late. Also, Sadie was a character that I didn't fully love in the beginning of the series but now I love, especially when she's drunk—she is so funny!

This is story of best friends that distanced themselves and now have been reunited again. Sadie had stopped speaking to Ezra when her fiance had gotten jealous over their friendship. Weeks before the wedding, Sadie catches her fiance cheating on her and she might have had a minor problem with the law so she calls Ezra to help her out. Their friendship begins to take form once again but Sadie wants more than friendship yet Ezra doesn't want to ruin what they have so Sadie formulates a plan that could end up back firing but she goes ahead and makes a deal with Ezra anyways. The romance in this book is so damn cute! I can't even! Seriously, it reminded me a bit of Maddox and Emma (let's face it, no one can win over their cute romance but this one comes close). Ezra is always there for Sadie to help her out and just be there as a friend to her and I wish I had a guy friend like him in my life. Sadie is a great girl that we get to learn more about in this book, which is definitely fun.

You guys know my one true love is Mathias Wade. I'm sorry but that man is perfect, even with his curse words. I was sad to say goodbye in Never Too Late but get this. All of the members with their girlfriends make lots of appearances in this third installment and I just adored that! The reader gets to experience the members spending time together and how nerdy they really are. We also get to read about Maddox and Emma and Mathias and Remy a lot, since they are involved in Ezra and Sadie's life. For those that are fans of Maddox and Emma, you will be so happy with this book because they are in this a lot and yes, their cuteness and romance is still intact, even Maddox's obsession with Diet Pepsi.

My only complaint about the story is that I wish I had more Ezra time. The reason being that I don't think I know him enough, I don't think he didn't get to talk a lot about himself. I know that there really isn't much to talk about since Sadie has known him for a very long time but still. I wish he would have revealed something drastic or just something from his past that nobody knew to make the story even more interesting and learn more about the guy. But all in all, I enjoyed this story a lot. It was just fun and it didn't revolve around sex, like most NA stories nowadays do (not talking about NTL since that book really deserved all of those sex scenes *fans face*). I really loved this new addition to the Willow Creek series and I cannot wait for Hayes story! If you want to know who his love interest is, then you should definitely read In Your Heart since the girl is introduced here and I immediately shipped them!

If you don't follow Micalea Smeltzer, you definitely should because she is a fantastic author!

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  • 15 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 June, 2015: Reviewed