Reviewed by shannonmiz on

4 of 5 stars

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight

After reading this author duo's lovely debut, Unpregnant, last year, I added this book to my TBR basically immediately. And it had the same humor mixed with important lessons and character development that its predecessor had! So, what did I like and what did I not enjoy as much? Read on!


  • ►There were lots of funny moments! This is definitely what I expected from this writing duo, and it didn't disappoint. Especially considering that it's a fairly serious premise (young person with cancer is always rough!), the dark humor was just really on point. Is it absurd at times? Sure, but that's part of the fun!

  • ►I liked that Cam was really close with his mom! I'll get to that more later (yes, it happens to be a part of my "nays" as well, but that's okay!), but I really admired that they both worked at their relationship. Cam really did embrace a lot of the (very important, tbh) lessons that his mom tried so hard to impart on him, even if he slipped up (and he did, again, see below).

  • ►I 100% liked the will-they-won't-they bromance more than the actual love interest. Kaia was fine, but she wasn't what propelled me forward. I kept hoping that Steve would come around, and that Cam's motives would become purer. I wanted these two to be besties, forever. I won't tell you what happens and whether they do, but it was so fun to read!

  • ►All of the characters do grow and learn a lotThey might start out pretty questionably, but everyone starts to engage in some much needed self-reflection, yay!


  • ►This is completely a personal thing, but Cam's cringiness got to me. See, Cam's mom is a single mom trying to raise him to be... not a typical white guy jerk. Which is admirable! And like, same! It is my whole life's goal that my son is not a white guy jerk too! Which is why, when Cam is so, it just... ouch. But like, he did eventually realize it, which is why I still enjoyed the book.

Bottom Line: Save Steve is... look, it's a funny yet heartfelt cancer book. And yes, those things can coexist, and they do so beautifully here!

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  • Started reading
  • 8 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2020: Reviewed