I Love You, Blankie by Jane Massey, Sheryl Haft

I Love You, Blankie

by Jane Massey and Sheryl Haft

A flowing sail, a hot air balloon, a fluffy cloud, a glowing moon. . . with a little imagination, a blankie can be anything!

This sweet and playful board book will encourage little ones to think big as they head off into dreamland. On each page, a young child uses his cozy yellow blankie in a new way, taking him everywhere from under the sea to high among the stars. As bedtime nears, the blankie turns into a balloon, a cloud, and a shooting star, eventually placing him safely into bed where he can keep dreaming and snuggling, too.

Featuring a soft padded cover, this is the perfect book to inspire sweet dreams.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

(Typing on phone, so may need to be polished.)

In my family we've always been fond of babbies. My own 'blankie' being known as "lamb babbie" (that's bab-bee if your curious). So any book that is Linus (Peanuts) or Owen (Kevin Henkes) worthy is a book I'm interested in for my own kiddos.

The rhythmic tone of this lullaby in a book is soothing. The story is imaginative and delighted my girls (as the five year old read it aloud to the three year old) and then they discussed and imagined what their own babbies could be capable of in an adventure. It's a bedtime story that would make Harold proud for adventuring before settling for sleep. Then there is the little child with wind swept hair, too cute and adorable and right on key.

This is fabulous to look at and delightful to read. But the best part is how durable it seems to be! It is a larger board book size (about the size of a medium picture book - dimensions later). The cover is padded and squishy in my favorite way. However the pages are really neat. They are board but not hard, stuff, and unforgiving. They are pliable and turn like real book pages (thinner too), but they are slick and strong enough that I wouldn't hesitate to let my baby son look at this book with us. I think he wouldn't damage it and I think it will last, and for a board book that's saying a lot!

Thanks to LB.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 March, 2015: Finished reading
  • 2 March, 2015: Reviewed