Reviewed by sleepseeker on

4 of 5 stars

Maybe because I'm a few years late in reading this Graphic Novel, then when it first came out, but I enjoyed Secret Wars. It was way better than Time Runs Out and some stuff leading up to this event.

There were many Secret Wars tie-ins and I have about 10 of them and some were just okay. I got/read some of them because I thought they would have some significance on what was going on in Secret Wars, but they don't. They are just mostly what if story's or show what's going on in this new world that Doom created.

Some were great and others were bad. You don't need to read them at all, just this book. The tie-in books that I liked, and I didn't read a lot of them, were "Amazing Spider-man: Renew your Vows," "A-Force," and "Old Man Logan." I read some of the other X-men tie-ins but they were just okay.

I am pleased with the outcome of this run. Not all events end with a way I like.

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  • 22 September, 2020: Reviewed