The Rules by Stacey Kade

The Rules (Project Paper Doll, #1)

by Stacey Kade

1.     Never trust anyone.
2.     Remember they are always searching.
3.     Don't get involved.
4.     Keep your head down.
5.     Don't fall in love.

Five simple rules. Ariane Tucker has followed them since the night she escaped from the genetics lab where she was created, the result of combining human and extraterrestrial DNA. Ariane's survival--and that of her adoptive father--depends on her ability to blend in among the full-blooded humans, to hide in plain sight from those who seek to recover their lost (and expensive) "project."

But when a cruel prank at school goes awry, it puts her in the path of Zane Bradshaw, the police chief's son and someone who sees too much. Someone who really sees her. After years of trying to be invisible, Ariane finds the attention frightening--and utterly intoxicating. Suddenly, nothing is simple anymore, especially not the rules.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through NetGalley.

The Rules was so fun! Aliens! Secret government experiments! Fake relationships! Ariane Tucker is a human-alien hybrid created by a corporation known as GTX. She's been "adopted" by a guard who helped her escape after his own daughter died. In order to stay hidden, her father has laid out some rules that she must follow. They all amount to staying under the radar and not getting too close to any humans. Of course, this makes Ariane a loser at her high school, since she doesn't dress right or talk to anyone. But after defending her only friend from the mean girl, Ariane is now on someone's radar, and her safety has been compromised.

The Rules reminded me a lot of Vampire Academy (just the first book, not the series). Both books have a great overarching plot, but they use high school drama to get it all started. Rachel is the stereotypical mean girl, and has targeted Ariane after she embarrasses her in front of others during a prank. Then she comes up with a revenge plan: have her friend Zane ask Ariane out, then publicly humiliate her. Well, Zane isn't like Rachel, so he tells Ariane about the plan so they can get back at Rachel. Genius! Yeah, it sounds cheesy, but I really liked it! And I love fake relationships turning real.

I really enjoyed The Rules! I don't want to give too much away, since there are quite a few twists, turns, and reveals. I adored Ariane and how she still made mistakes with common phrases, since she was raised in a lab without context. Her memories of the lab are disturbing, and I'm always fascinated at how people can twist something like that and try to make it sound like it's for the greater good, and make sense, even though you know it's still wrong! I really need to get my hands on the next books soon!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 November, 2014: Reviewed