The Heir Of Night by Helen Lowe

The Heir Of Night (Wall of Night, #1)

by Helen Lowe

Young Malian is being trained to rule. Her people garrison the mountain range known as the Wall of Night against an ancient enemy, keeping a tide of shadow from the rest of their world. Malian is expected to uphold this tradition, yet she's known little of real danger until the enemy attacks her fortress home and the Keep of Winds becomes a bloodbath.
Malian flees deep into the Old Keep - and when the danger is greatest her own hidden magic flares into life. But if she accepts its power,...

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Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Malian chaffes against some of the restrictions on her life, she really wants to stretch her wings. Her family occupy a pivotal part in keeping the tide of shadow away from the rest of the world. Her home is attacked and she flees into the Old Keep. When there she has to face up to the fact that she has power, power that demands a price.

I really enjoyed this read, I like Malian as a character and the others around here were well drawn and believable. I'm looking forward to more in this series and by this author.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 April, 2012: Reviewed