Woman Walks into a Bar by Rowan Coleman

Woman Walks into a Bar (Quick Read)

by Rowan Coleman

A Friday night out with the girls changes Sam's life forever ...28-year-old single mother Sam spends her days working in the local supermarket and her Friday nights out with her friends, Joy and Marie, letting her hair down at the White Horse. Life has never been easy for Sam, but she's always hoped that one day she'll meet The One. After a series of terrible dates with men she's met through an internet dating agency she's starting to lose heart - until her friends tell her they've set her up on a blind date. Sam's horrified but finally she agrees to go - after all you never know when you might meet the man of your dreams...

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Rowan Coleman is one of my favourite authors so when I saw she was re-releasing her short story Woman Walks Into A Bar I was super pleased, especially since she said that all royalties would be donated to charity – a girl after my own heart! I actually already had a review copy, but I of course purchased a copy, too, to make sure my money would go to the charity. I couldn’t wait to get stuck in, as you can’t beat a good novella.

When Sam’s friends tell her they’ve set her up on a blind date for their Friday Night girls night out, Sam is understandably wary, her friends Marie and Joy don’t have the greatest taste in men, Joy in particular, but Sam agrees nevertheless. She feels like the time is right and she’s finally ready to move on from her last, awful relationship nine years ago. Sam hopes with all her might that her date will be with the tasty bartender Brendan at her local. Sam is ready to move on, to date, but have her friends set her up with someone with relationship potential or will it be a disaster?

While Woman Walks Into A Bar might seem like a light, sweet, easygoing novella it does actually have a stronger message in the undertones, as we soon find out. Sam’s hardly had the best life growing up – bullied at school (which is the worst thing a person can go through, ever) and then her last relationship was a nightmare, and all I wanted was to see Sam happy and settled, because if anybody deserved a bit of happiness it was Sam. I really enjoyed Woman Walks Into A Bar, it was substantial and it took me about half an hour to read, which is a nice length for novellas. I enjoyed getting to know Sam and her daughter Beth. A thoroughly enjoyable read with a really strong message!

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  • Started reading
  • 1 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 1 February, 2014: Reviewed