Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

Absolutely joy and jumping up and down was the response when I opened the box that contained this early reader, I Can Read! Level 2 version of A Birthday for Frances as my preschooler just loves the character and antics of Frances from Russell and Lillian Hoban. This is an adorable little tale of conscience where Frances deals with what she wants, and what is right about jealousy and fairness when it comes to her sister's birthday present and party. It is a good one for early discussion on what the right thing to do would be and how to make things end well for every one involved. There will always be a place on our shelves for Frances early readers. And now I think we have almost all of them in the early reader format outside of Bedtime for Frances.

*Thanks to HC for providing a copy for review.*


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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 11 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 11 October, 2012: Reviewed