Granny'S Clan by Dr. Sally Hodson

Granny'S Clan

by Dr. Sally Hodson

"[A 100 year-old orca whale named Granny leads a clan of orcas near the Pacific Northwest in hunting, teaching young whales, and establishing a friendship with humans. Back matter expands on orca life, including their language, echolocation abilities, and family relations]"--Provided by publisher.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

This week we had a true living books homeschool experience initiated [b:Granny's Clan: A Tale of Wild Orcas|14367866|Granny's Clan A Tale of Wild Orcas|Sally Hodson||20009815]. We read the book while my preschooler held onto Waves, the Orca Beanie Baby and then we went onto watching YouTube slideshows with orca whale sounds from JKL family. The Enginerd even got in on it and my girls had a blast. I even promised we could watch some Free Willy movies later this week.

[b:Granny's Clan|14367866|Granny's Clan A Tale of Wild Orcas|Sally Hodson||20009815] is only my second experience with Dawn Publications but it is uber positive. This is a good read for fun but even better for a school unit. The story is interesting ad captivating in the back of the book the Dive Deeper section is awesome. Full of facts and details and even including a selection of links that push the learning beyond the pages of this book. Then there re the illustrations which are lovely. Absolutely breath takingly beautiful in the shades and shapes on the page truly bring nature to life.

*Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 20 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 March, 2013: Reviewed