Such a Beautiful Family by T.R. Ragan

Such a Beautiful Family

by T.R. Ragan

A riveting novel of psychological suspense about perfect lives and hidden secrets by New York Times bestselling author T.R. Ragan.

Nora Harmon has a lot to be thankful for: two great kids, a stable marriage, and now, a dream career. Software consultant Jane Bell wants Nora on her team. She’s offering a fantastic salary, flexible hours, and a chance to travel the world. It sounds too good to be true, but Jane won’t take no for an answer.

Jane acts more like a friend than a boss, and Nora’s personal and professional boundaries begin to blur. Jane is smitten with Nora’s perfect family—particularly her daughter—and far too attentive to Nora’s husband. Nora can’t help but feel insecure and unsettled.

Maybe Jane is everything she says she is: a lonely woman in need of feeling the love of a kind and decent family. Maybe Nora is just being paranoid.

Maybe not.

Reviewed by Travel_thru_books on

4 of 5 stars

This was a fantastic read! I really enjoyed the mystery behind the story. I also felt so bad for the anguish that Nora felt for years. I do wish a few things were touched on from her past, but still I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommend it to others! This was an easy and fast read!

publish 12/06/2022

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  • Started reading
  • 12 July, 2022: Finished reading
  • 12 July, 2022: Reviewed