Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Healing Her Heart is another great addition to this series! It was short, but full of sweetness and sexiness! Dr. Greg Stanton needs a break. He's a cardiac surgeon in the ER, and he's struggling with anxiety over his patients dying. One night he loses an elderly woman, has a panic attack, but Carrie is able to calm him down, despite her being the one to bring the woman in. After that night, Greg takes a week off of work and Carrie offers him a volunteer position at her assisted living facility. She hopes this will help reconnect Greg with life and lessen his fear of death, but it also doesn't hurt that she's been crushing on the hottie doctor! During the day, the two work side by side with the residents, and at night, they unwind in each others arms. But will it last past the end of the week?

I really enjoyed this one! Temporary flings are also a favorite Romance trope of mine, so of course I was into this one. Greg and Carrie both need a little fun in their lives, so this situation is perfect for them. At least until they get deeper than they intended. It does start off a bit depressing, but by the end it picks up more light as Greg realizes that he does need more help than just Carrie's soothing presence. And Carrie realizes that it's okay to be there for someone you care about without feeling used. All in all, a very sweet story.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 August, 2014: Reviewed