The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld

The Enchanted (Harper Perennial Olive Editions) (P.S. (Paperback))

by Rene Denfeld

The enchanted place is an ancient stone prison, viewed through the eyes of a death row inmate who finds escape in his books and in re-imagining life around him. A female investigator searches for buried information from prisoners' pasts that can save those soon-to-be-executed. Digging into the background of a killer named York, she uncovers wrenching truths that challenge familiar notions of victim and criminal, innocence and guilt, and reveals shocking secrets of her own.

Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

4 of 5 stars

Written with such poetic beauty I actually felt mesmerized by this story despite its heavy and somber plot. This book wasn't something I would usually read compared to so many other books out there to pick from, but I actually enjoyed the change of pace and prospective given. I didn't necessarily relate to the emotions involved with this death row story narrated by an inmate, but yet it's writing style successfully kept me engage and interested to learn the ending of it. I also think that this book would inspire an interesting book club discussion.

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  • 15 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 October, 2015: Reviewed