The Perfect Date by Holly Lorincz, Evelyn Lozada

The Perfect Date

by Holly Lorincz and Evelyn Lozada

Angel Gomez only wants to get through nursing school and earn enough to support her mother and her son, Jose. Her bar-tending job helps bring in some extra cash, and the last thing she’s interested in is flirting or men in general.

Caleb “The Duke” Lewis is an up and coming star for the Yankees, known for getting around. However, his last breakup left him distracted and made him turn to drink. When he’s caught by the Yankees manager at a party instead of training, he’s suspended and sent back to the Bronx to get his head straight.

Angel and Duke’s worlds collide one night at the club and sparks fly. Though Angel wants nothing to do with Duke, he has no intention of letting her slip through his fingers. She isn’t star-struck by his fame, and this might be just what he needs to get things in order. He’ll do anything to convince her... even make her an offer she can’t refuse.

Reviewed by Rowena on

1 of 5 stars

I got about halfway through this book before I just couldn't anymore. Things started out well enough, I thought that the heroine's attitude would cool off for me, or that I'd at least understand where the attitude came from. I thought I'd warm up to her, being a struggling single mother myself a time or two....but nope, she annoyed me but the hero was an asshole too and nah...I have too many other books to read to keep reading a book that I'm just not enjoying.

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  • 10 June, 2019: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2019: Reviewed