Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

Sweet Cowboy Christmas is perfect for an evening snuggled up with a warm drink. A short comfort read leaving you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

Chase Morgan's life is thrown into turmoil after a health scare makes him re-think his whole lifestyle including his prestigious career. A decision that would take him back to the life he left behind, to face up to the hurt that drove him away in the first place.

Faith Walker is a determined and generous woman, juggling a successful business pampering the rich and pretentious at her Magic Box Guest Ranch. In addition she organises charitable events to create a perfect Christmas for children and their families less fortunate than herself. It all keeps her busy to distract herself from remembering her past and broken heart.

When Chase arrives at The Magic Box Guest Ranch, the last thing on his mind was women, specifically one woman, who is very presumptive about what kind of man he is. Faith is instantly drawn to the handsome new guest at her ranch. But seeing him in his designer suit reminded her that men like him need to be avoided. Besides he is only staying for 10 days...

I love the easy banter between Chase and Faith, both are fun, likable and well developed, as are all the supporting characters. This is the first book I've read by the author, and will definitely read the other books in the series, as I enjoyed the easy light-hearted writing style, with a hint of sizzle too. If I had to say anything negative then it would be that I wished this was a full length book and not a novella.

***arc received courtesy of the publisher via Edelweiss***


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  • 15 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2014: Reviewed