Blood Rites by Quinn Loftis

Blood Rites (Grey Wolves, #2)

by Quinn Loftis

Who knew finding your soul mate would be the easy part?

With the challenge complete and the corrupt Alpha of Coldspring defeated, Fane is now free to complete the mate bond with Jacque and perform the Blood Rites. Although the immediate threat is neutralized, the effects of Fane's victory are far-reaching. Once it is known that Vasile, one of the strongest Alphas in the world, is in America, another wolf takes notice. And this one happens to share Jacque's DNA. But is this new wolf the one she needs to fear?

With her mother and two best friends in tow,...

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Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Blood Rites starts out with a bang! Literally! There is an explosion! Even though Fane won the right to the bonding ceremony, there is still someone out there who doesn't want to see Jacque bonded to him. That someone? Her long lost father's Beta. Why is he going through all of that trouble? Apparently, Jacque is a hot commodity among werewolves, and Logan is in desperate need of a mate. Any mate, at any cost.

I enjoyed this one much more than Prince of Wolves. It was faster paced as the action starts in the very beginning. It was a little disorienting at first, since the POV randomly jumped around in the first third, but it smoothed out as soon as all of the major players were together. The plot was also better, and there were actually some scenes where I caught myself holding my breath. Not because they were particularly suspenseful, but just because of the awfulness of the situation.

This second book also introduces a new blossoming relationship: Jen and Decebel. Jen has been a source of much hilarity and annoyance, but she's really growing on me. The way she constantly provoked Dec had me smiling, especially when he had no idea how to respond to her. She also had some more vulnerable scenes near the end that show she's not just a horny teenager with no filter between her brain and mouth. I'm definitely look forward to seeing more of her in the next book.

While I did enjoy this one more, it seems like this series as a whole could use more editing. The dialogue wasn't quite as bad as the first, but there are a lot of typos and choppy transitions. Since there was a slight improve between this book and the last, I hope that trend continues.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2012: Reviewed