Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready

Shift (Shade, #2)

by Jeri Smith-Ready

Logan returns as a ghost, complicating sixteen-year-old Aura's budding relationship with Zachary, especially when they discover that Logan might be able to become solid again.

Reviewed by lizarodz on

4 of 5 stars

loved 'Shade'. One of the things I liked the most is that the setting is Baltimore, and as you know I live in Maryland. It's great to know the places that the characters like, live in, eat at, and visit. Nevertheless, I had mixed feelings about 'Shift'. The first part of the book was somewhat confusing to Aura, therefore I felt confused. Her feelings and the attitude of those around her changed so fast that it left me reeling. The second part of the book, was much better and coherent for me, it flowed easier and was more interesting.

Aura is a likable character, she is pretty and intelligent, but although I can understand her feelings of mourning and loss, I can't understand why she seems to cling to Logan and the love they once shared. The boy is DEAD *period* I am not saying that she should be instantaneously ready to date or fall in love, but she should recognize that, and move on. And what happened with Dylan, what on earth was that?

Zachary, on the other hand I love. He is not only gorgeous, smart, has the patience of a saint, but most important he is in love with Aura and he is ALIVE. See the difference? I do hope that everything works out for them because they make a great couple. Other characters of importance were Megan and Logan's siblings, they were well fleshed out, but took a back burner to Aura and all her relationship problems.

Once the part about Aura's angst was sort of over (and honestly it was tiring) I loved the rest of the plot. We learn a lot about the Shift, and Aura's mom. It becomes more fast paced and I can't wait for 'Shine' the conclusion of the trilogy, due out Summer of 2012 (another whole year to wait *sigh*)

If you like paranormal and romance, you should give this series a try.

About the cover - I like the cover. The black background makes it mysterious and the burst of red is a significant part of the story.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2011: Reviewed