Thunder on the Right by Mary Stewart

Thunder on the Right

by Mary Stewart

Jenny Silver's trip to the Pyrenees is intended to be more than a welcome holiday in a beautiful part of France. Perturbed by a letter from her cousin Gillian who has been like a sister to her, Jenny has come to Gavarnie in an attempt to discover why Gill has entered a convent. On arrival, however, she finds herself caught up in a mesh of intrigue. Her cousin has vanished, and there is evidence that she is dead. Refusing all explanations, Jenny throws herself into a dramatic and dangerous search.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

Meh.  Not her best work.  Touch Not the Cat was better.   The writing was flowery, which is common for the period it was written, but it's really flowery.  And heavy on the exposition.   The plot itself felt half done; everything moves fast and I don't think the timeline was more than 48 hours (so much exposition!), but it is extremely linear.  No red herrings, so suspect pool, do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.  But what was there was interesting enough to keep me reading, and there wasn't anything I hated (except the tedious exposition).  I just didn't much care about it one way or the other by the end.   The romance... eh, not worth mentioning.   They can't all be winners, and at least this wasn't a total loser.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2017: Reviewed