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5 of 5 stars

Gabrielle Hyde is a bright and feisty woman who is also beautiful. She does not rely on her looks and while has enough money to live without working finds a job that she enjoys. Gabrielle has a dark past of her own that she works on every day to move past and on the surface it seems she does just that. Gabrielle, or Elle as she likes to be called is a complicated woman whose past is coming back to haunt her after she meets Damian.

Damian Hunt is CEO of Hunt Industries Inc, and Elle’s new boss. Damian is a complicated man who is also haunted by his past and seems to keep everyone at an arm’s length because of it except for Elle. She seems to be the one person that gets behind his shields and his is soft place to fall. Damian is a hot and sexy man who is also a Dom. He unlike so many Dom is willing to give up being a Dom in the bedroom to have the woman of his dreams.

The chemistry between Damian and Elle is scorching. From the first time, they saw each other they were both obsessed with the other. Their relationship does move at a fast pace and I do wonder about the future considering how close both of their families were and they have never meet before. The sex scenes were intense. These two are made for each other in the bedroom.

A Dominant Man is the first book in the Dominant series by Lena Black. This book sucked you in to the point I had a hard time putting it down once I started reading it. I found this book well written. The main and secondary characters were not just realistic but also engaging as well. I can’t wait until the next book comes out! Overall, this book is fabulous.

Reviewed by Victoria for Cocktails and Books

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  • 28 April, 2014: Reviewed