Friends vs. Family by C L Stone

Friends vs. Family (Academy: the Ghost Bird, #3)

by C L Stone

Sang Sorenson is forced to suffer through another of her mother’s extreme punishments. It almost kills her. The Academy boys vow it will be the last. They're determined to keep Sang safe, especially from her own family.

Their solution: complete invasion of her life.

Kota, Luke, Silas, Nathan, Victor, Gabriel and North do everything within their power to show Sang what true loyalty means. It takes more than blood to make a family and they want Sang in theirs.

In this third book of The Academy series Sang experiences a taste of freedom and what it’s like to truly be cared be wanted. Sang learns a bit more about the boys’ broken families and the boys discover more than they could ever have bargained for about Sang’s. The Academy was the answer to their problems. Could it be hers?

Sang’s actions will force her mother to reveal a startling truth. A truth that will change Sang’s life and the boys’ lives in unpredictable ways. Forever.

The Academy, Allegiance

Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

This book is called "Friends vs. Family". In this installment of the Ghost Bird, Sang is struggling with her biological family and her new circle of friends. She questions loyalties and obligations. What is expected? What is normal? The boys continue to take her further into their world. In the meantime, we learn a whole bunch of stuff, pretty much in the last two chapters. Sang's Dad? Sang's Mom? Sang's Sister? The Academy?

Again, the characters won me over. They have many cute little adventures, which are wrapped with abuse, danger and betrayal. Sang also is still needs to work on those social skills, but the boys are more than willing to open her eyes a little bit at a time.

I feel like we are getting closer and closer to what the Academy is. Therefore, I will need to read the next book.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 November, 2014: Reviewed