The Velvet Promise by Jude Deveraux

The Velvet Promise (Richard Gallen Books)

by Jude Deveraux

All of England rejoiced on her wedding day. But Judith vowed that her husband would get only what he took from her! At the flower-bedecked altar, the first touch of their hands ignited an all-consuming passion. Gavin Montgomery looked deep into her golden eyes and burned with desire for her...but his heart had been pledged to another. Humiliated and alone in a strange castle, Judith resolved to hate this husband who took her body, but rejected her love...never admitting her fear of losing him. But destiny held another fate for Judith...a fate that would keep at last...The Velvet Promise.

Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Where Sassy’s love for historical romance began…

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a young girl called Stacey. On a day like any other, she was walking through her local shopping centre doing a little browsing. What does she see before her, but a magical *BARGAIN BIN* announcing *4 PAPERBACKS FOR $10.00*. Well, Stacey, she was a remarkably canny young lady and had saved all her spare dollars for a day like that day. She looked into the barrel and her eyes lit up. Gleaming, silky covers tempted her senses. She must look, touch, feel and read…

…and that was Stacey’s first introduction to sexy books and the beginning of her love of historical romance.

Wow, I can’t believe that was 28 years ago. I can still remember my gratitude afterwards, that Bookworld had those books on sale that day. At 16, there was no way in hell I would have stood in the romance section and checked out what was what. My love for Jude Deveraux and Julie Garwood started with that discount book bin.

The Velvet Series was one of my most re-read historical romance series when I was younger. Highland Velvet is my very favourite (Bronwyn, the heroine, had dark curly hair like I did at the time) but The Velvet Promise was a close second. The first time I read The Velvet Promise, I admit that I found it a little hard to take. As time went on and I matured, I flipped and flopped between loving it and absolutely hating it.

Gavin Montgomery, the eldest of the four boys is an absolute DOUCHEWAFFLE!! If any reader can get through the book without wanting to kick him in the shins at least once, I’ll eat my hat. I mean, the guy went to his wedding day loving another woman, for goodness sake. That still makes my blood boil!! Especially considering the insipid, simpering, nasty Alice was not a woman worthy of love.

Anyways, Judith, well she’s the kind of heroine that every historical romance heroine should aspire to be. She’s strong, courageous, beautiful and kind. The nicest thing (OR STUPIDEST BLOODY THING) she did was forgiving Gavin and his stupidity. She was young and inexperienced though, and their physical attraction made it hard for her to push him away.

Honestly, there are some VERY hard things to deal with in this story and some readers would probably run for the hills in a few scenes. (show spoiler)

But, I am a devoted fan, and seeing as I’ve read it in Paperback and read it on my kindle, it was time to experience the audiobook. Last year I looked it up and listened to a sample and was a little shocked that it was an American narrator. I found it strange that they didn’t use an English one, to be honest. I decided to give it another go and I’m happy to say that I enjoyed it. If I had one issue, it was probably that Gavin’s “voice” could at times get a little nasally.

If you’re looking for a step back in time (both historical and an 80’s bodice ripper) The Velvet Promise is a great example. I am definitely going on with Highland Velvet. I can’t wait to see the fiery Bronwyn conquer Stephen Montgomery.

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