To Capture Her Heart by Rebecca DeMarino

To Capture Her Heart (The Southold Chronicles, #2)

by Rebecca DeMarino

It is 1653 and Heather Flower, a princess of the Montauk tribe, is enjoying her wedding feast when her groom is killed and she is kidnapped by a rival tribe and held for ransom. Though her ransom is paid by an Englishman, she is nonetheless left to die in a Connecticut forest--until she finds herself rescued by handsome Dutch Lieutenant Dirk Van Buren. Torn between her affection for Dirk and her long friendship with family friend Benjamin Horton, Heather Flower must make a difficult choice--stay true to her friend or follow her heart.
Exploring a unique slice of history, Rebecca DeMarino transports readers to the wild land that would eventually become Long Island, New York. Her attention to detail and her captivating storytelling bring the New World to vivid life.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

2 of 5 stars

Last year I read the first book in The Southold Chronicles, A Place in His Heart and while the writing was really good - the story left me unimpressed. Overall, it was just too sad and not a great read. I was eager to give this new-to-me author a chance with her next novel, as I mentioned one of my favorite authors (Siri Mitchell) can also write a pretty devastating story. In the end, I just wasn't impressed. If this is meant to be a Christian Historical Romance, the romance is sorely lacking and just falls short of my typical expectations for such a novel. For this story it seems as if it was incredibly and thoroughly researched but then rushed to be finished without a smooth flow. The historical details do provide interest, but it's just not enough to make me enthusiastic.
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  • Started reading
  • 24 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2015: Reviewed