Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready

Shade (Shade, #1)

by Jeri Smith-Ready

Like everyone born after The Shift, sixteen year-old Aura can see and talk to ghosts. She's always found this mysterious ability pretty annoying, wishing only that she could reverse it and have some peace. But when her boyfriend, Logan, dies unexpectedly, Aura is forced to reconsider her connections to the dead...Devastated by Logan's sudden death, Aura realises that her ability to see ghosts might actually be a blessing. Surely a violet-hued spirit Logan is better than no Logan at all? But just when Aura is coming to terms with having a ghost as a boyfriend, she starts developing feelings for her new friend Zachary, who is understanding, supportive and, most of all, alive. Each boy holds a piece of her heart - as well as vital cues to the secret of the Shift - and it's time for Aura to choose between loving the living, or embracing the dead...

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This was a beautiful and intriguing book. I loved all of the main characters, and even most of the minor characters made sense and had their rightful place in the plot and the story.

Aura is a wonderful, strong, young woman, who goes through something horrible that no teenager should have to go through. Her life has never been easy, but things seem to just get more complicated as time passes. Her being the first born after the shift, and maybe having some kind of special powers because of it makes the plot even more exciting than the rest of it. Although the rest is pretty amazing in itself.

I started reading this book after the YA sisterhood blog had their crush-tourney, and I had no idea who Zach was ;) I just had to find out.

One of the YA books that definitely is exciting both for actual young adults, and for the not so young adults (like myself) as well :D I am off to read the next installment, can't wait to find out what will happen with Logan, Aura, Meghan, Zach, and the rest of this extraodrinary cast of characters.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2011: Reviewed