Save the Date by Allie Spencer

Save the Date

by Allie Spencer

Family weddings can be hell…

...and, marooned in Italy for her cousin’s nuptials, Ailsa can be forgiven for thinking that this one is worse than most. With the bride and groom at loggerheads and the guests in uproar, it is a million miles away from the rest and relaxation she'd been hoping for.

And then suddenly, in the middle of the mayhem, she comes face-to-face with Nick, the man she walked out on just a few months earlier.

How can Ailsa help get the wedding back on track when she and Nick can’t stop arguing? But if they do, she might remember why she fell in love with him in the first place - and then there really would be trouble.

Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

Allie Spencer has been a firm favourite of mine since her Little Black Dress days – her novels are fab, they’re witty, warm, with wonderful characters and I always get a little bit excited when a new Allie Spencer book is on the horizon. I was chuffed to receive a copy of her new novel Save the Date and couldn’t wait to get stuck in!

Ailsa Stuart has had a bit of a hard time of late so when her cousin Jess emails to invite her to her wedding – stating that it’s a matter of life or death – Ailsa decides to go. It’s an all expenses paid trip to Italy, even if she has to put up with her crazy family for a week. The last thing Ailsa expects when she rocks up to Saint Lucia is to bump into Nick, the man she left just months prior. With Jess’s wedding in uproar, and her and Nick arguing at every turn, not to mention Arthur the meddlesome dog, it’s turning out to be a holiday like no other for Ailsa.

I was really excited to get stuck into Save the Date, I love novels set in foreign destinations and Italy is a country I most definitely want to visit, something that was brought even closer by reading this novel! I liked the idea for the plot, how it was all in chaos etc, but I did sorta feel there were a few too many different strands, and there was certainly tons of uncertainty and suspicion not usually found in a Chick Lit novel. I just thought that perhaps certain bits of the novel could have been scaled down a bit more, particularly the Charles plotline which made me want to vomit whenever he appeared. But overall I actually really liked the novel.

Yes, I will admit it took me a while to see Nick’s appeal – when Ailsa tells you what he did you want her to run as far away as possible, and I’m not entirely sure there’s was a sure-fire happy ever after, either. Perhaps Ailsa just saw something I didn’t! What did make the novel for me was Arthur, never have I fallen so hard for a fictional dog! He was awesome; he lit up every page he was in and I wanted to scoop him up and have him to myself. I adored him. Overall, I enjoyed Save the Date, it was a quick read, very well written (although Allie still loves her semi-colons) and I look forward to Allie’s next offering, she’s firmly established herself on my must read list.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 June, 2013: Reviewed