Soaring Earth by Margarita Engle

Soaring Earth

by Margarita Engle

A School Library Journal Best Nonfiction Book of 2019!

In this powerful companion to her award-winning memoir Enchanted Air, Young People’s Poet Laureate Margarita Engle recounts her teenage years during the turbulent 1960s.

Margarita Engle’s childhood straddled two worlds: the lush, welcoming island of Cuba and the lonely, dream-soaked reality of Los Angeles. But the revolution has transformed Cuba into a mystery of impossibility, no longer reachable in real life. Margarita longs to travel the world, yet before she can become independent, she’ll have to start high school.

Then the shock waves of war reach America, rippling Margarita’s plans in their wake. Cast into uncertainty, she must grapple with the philosophies of peace, civil rights, freedom of expression, and environmental protection. Despite overwhelming circumstances, she finds solace and empowerment through her education. Amid the challenges of adolescence and a world steeped in conflict, Margarita finds hope beyond the struggle, and love in the most unexpected of places.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

2 of 5 stars

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I'm sorry, I couldn't get into this one. Maybe written too young for me at this time. Could tell this was written as an older person looking backwards and rather forced, while Enchanted Air didn't.

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  • 23 January, 2021: Finished reading
  • 23 January, 2021: Reviewed