Reviewed by teachergorman on

5 of 5 stars

Beginning in a dreamscape, Eisenbrey's Daughter of Magic awakens the reader to a fully realized fantasy world where the social rules seem fixed, then presents us with a wonderful character who is coming of age just as she is challenging some of those conventions, at the same time as the larger world is beginning to go through its own transformation. This empowering story will help readers find their ability to define themselves while also acknowledging some of the difficult truths of our own world. Sometimes the system seems fixed, sometimes people are treated unfairly, and sometimes whole groups of people face systemic injustice that seems beyond their ability to overcome, but an individual can find the magic within herself to shape her own destiny, and that is how we bend the moral arc of the universe towards justice.

Full disclosure: I'm one of the co-publishers of the company that decided to publish this novel. On the one hand, that means my praise could be discounted as self-interested. On the other hand, it means I weighed this novel, back when it was a manuscript, against hundreds of others and loved it so much I wanted to be a part of bringing it into the world. So do with that what you will.

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  • 26 April, 2018: Reviewed