For the Love of Books by Graham Tarrant

For the Love of Books

by Graham Tarrant

Do you know...

  • Which famous author died of caffeine poisoning?
  • Why Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was banned in China?
  • Who was the first British writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature?

Banned books, feuding authors, literary felons, rejected masterpieces - it's all in these pages, along with tips for aspiring writers and lists of the most iconic works. A treasure trove of compelling facts, riveting anecdotes and extraordinary characters, this is every book-lover's dream: a book about books and the people who write them. Read on!

Reviewed by Witty and Sarcastic Bookclub on

5 of 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest opinion. This book will be available to purchase on June 18th, 2019.

The word “incredible” does not do this book justice: I love, love, love it! Containing a wealth of information, this book is for anyone who loves to read. It’s both entertaining and incredibly informative at the same time. The history of books is just as fascinating as the books themselves. And some authors’ lives are even more sensational than many works of fiction!

Containing everything from the history of different genres to the genesis of popular terms; author feuds (there are a few authors who seem to only be happy if they’re mad at someone) to bizarre deaths; this book has it all. I learned so much that I almost wish I was a social person so that I could quote some of my new knowledge at parties.

I will most definitely be reading it again. This is a book that I want to own in hardback. Not only is it absolutely fascinating, but it will make an excellent addition to my homeschool. The information in the chapters is easily accessible and very well organized.

This book sucked me in and reminded me why I love to read in the first place. I can’t recommend this one enough.

Read it.

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  • 22 March, 2019: Reviewed