Reviewed by lovelybookshelf on

5 of 5 stars

"The best parts of our lives are anarchy already."

Anarchy Works is set up Q&A style, addressing the common arguments against non-hierarchical societies based on egalitarian principles, voluntary, non-coercive interactions, and mutual cooperation. Gelderloos addresses these arguments and backs up his points with examples from all over the world, past and present. Best of all, he challenges a colonized worldview right from the start. This book contains history and anthropology, a lot of nuance, and hope. So much (realistic, not romanticized) hope!

This is the kind of book that gets you Googling. Before you know it, you've followed a ton of rabbit trails, just soaking up all kinds of information, which is a big reason why it took me two months to finish the book. On top of that, Gelderloos provides even more opportunities for further reading through his meticulous notes and a recommended reading list.

"A successful revolution must be composed of many revolutions, accomplished by different people using different strategies, respecting each another’s autonomy and building solidarity."

"Anarchy thrives in the struggle against domination, and wherever oppression exists, resistance exists also. These struggles do not need to call themselves anarchist to be breeding grounds for subversion and freedom. What is important is that we support them and make them stronger."

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 24 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 24 February, 2018: Reviewed