Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Although it was an entertaining read, which I enjoyed, I couldn’t help but feel an emotional disconnect with the characters. Perhaps it was the feeling of being dropped in to the middle of a story with little to no back story to go on, but the fact that when the story begins our main character has already been drugged, sets the tune for the rest of the story for me. There is really no build up, no getting to know the characters in order for the reader to really care one way or the other what happens to them.

A Bear in the Woods had all the makings for a really good story. It has a good plot and engaging characters. However it lacked something in the execution. The author attempted to include a bit of a mystery and unfortunately did not succeed. Not for lack of a plot, but for rushing the story. A few more chapters could have built up the suspense and added to the story somewhat. It was a good story, but not great. I really wish the author had taken more time and gone more in depth in the suspense part of the story.

Reviewed by Iris for Cocktails and Books

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  • 9 February, 2014: Reviewed