Court of Lions by Somaiya Daud

Court of Lions (Mirage, #2)

by Somaiya Daud

Two identical girls, one a princess, the other a rebel. Who will rule the empire?

Amani must make a devastating choice between revolution and family in this sequel to the instant Sunday Times bestseller Mirage.

After being swept up into the brutal Vathek court, Amani, the ordinary girl forced to serve as the half-Vathek princess's body double, has been forced into complete isolation. The cruel but complex princess, Maram, with whom Amani had cultivated a tenuous friendship, discovered Amani's connection to the rebellion and has forced her into silence, and if Amani crosses Maram once more, her identity - and her...

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Reviewed by bookishzelda on

This is a perfect finish to the Mirage duology. This is one of those series that I hope more people pick up and appreciate.

I love how when I’m reading about this world sometimes I feel like it’s a Fantasy and then they get into a spaceship and I’m like oh ya the Sci-Fi aspect. The two genres are so well merged that it delights me.

The story is filled with politics. After all it is a story of Maram trying to take the throne and Amani trying to save her people. I absolutely love the writing style, I think it really made this part of the story more interesting. I was fascinated by the alliances being made and the courts being navigated. I was really impressed by the different things characters said and how they operated.

As far as characters are concerned. We really see Maram and Amani bloom in their own ways. They give one another strength, even when they are at odds.

Amani character development was so great to read. Remembering her from Mirage to who she has become is just amazing. She’s drawn from her experience of being Maram’s double. As herself she had seen first hand the destruction the Vath can cause. When she pretends to be Maram she sees how the politics of the Vath work. She becomes this well rounded formidable woman who finds strength in her love for people. She has some really great lines in the story that had me riveted.

Maram also develops in the story and we actually get to hear from her POV. I really liked the character that is introduced into her life and how that has some impact on her. Also despite her anger with Amani, she also has the seed of what love of a sister can be like sprouting in her. Amani shows her another way things can be and Maram finds that strength that Amani always knew was there.

The romance is sweet but again the two badass ladies are the main focus of the story. There are also other characters we are introduced to and more culture that I loved learning about. The descriptions of the celebrations, food and clothes made me wish I could visit their world.

If you enjoyed Mirage this is the perfect way to end the duology. The characters work hard and make sacrifices and find their ending.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 7 August, 2020: Reviewed