CHERUB: People's Republic by Robert Muchamore

CHERUB: People's Republic (CHERUB)

by Robert Muchamore

Twelve-year-old Ryan is CHERUB's newest recruit. He's got his first mission: infiltrating the billion-dollar Aramov criminal empire. But he's got no idea that this routine job will lead him into an explosive adventure involving drug smugglers, illegal immigrants and human trafficking, or that his first mission will turn into one of the biggest in CHERUB's history.

Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

My biggest issue with this book was that I felt like I had whiplash the entire time. I like Ning and I don't hate Ryan but the constant switching of points of view were too much. It kept jolting me out of the story. I feel that it would've worked better either with longer points of view or separating their stories out.

That aside, this was very enjoyable and seemed slightly less crude and crass than the previous books. One thing that bothered me was the book's description as a routine mission becoming the biggest mission in Cherub history. Is it really when Ryan isn't actually on a mission? I thought he was going undercover and staying with Ethan the whole time. But then he's back on campus and Ethan is flying around the world. Plus Ethan plays less of a role than I was expecting. Plus this book is really long. And it would've been better if it had of been shorter. Ning's story was strong and well written. But Ryan's mission was a bit bland and not as emotive. It kind of felt unnecessary at this juncture to include it - or at least include it with as much page time as it got.

Overall 3.5 stars.

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  • 19 October, 2017: Reviewed