Into the Shadow by Christina Dodd

Into the Shadow (Darkness Chosen, #3)

by Christina Dodd

Blessed?or cursed?with the ability to change into a sleek panther, and driven by a dark soul he?s accepted as his fate, Adrik Wilder abandons his family and his honor to pursue a life of wickedness. He excels at every vice, including kidnapping Karen Sonnet to use for his selfish purposes.

But Karen?s spirit and passion make him question the force of his family?s curse. And when a new evil emerges, Adrik must choose whether to enact revenge on his enemies and redeem his soul, or save Karen from a fate worse than death?

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

this was the best book of the series, it grabbed my attention immediately and kept hold of it.... then the ending OH MY WOW what a twist. Adrik I loved how (Dodd), had given him two persona's in the book. And I dug how she also made it to where Karen was like the battered lover, but yet she wasn't. It was just great so much happened but it didn't feel over crowded or rushed. It was a great setup up for the last book, which deems to be epic worthy especially with how the ending went in this book. Its a defnite must read if you haven't read it yet.

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  • 28 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 28 January, 2012: Reviewed