Tarnished and Torn by Juliet Blackwell

Tarnished and Torn (Witchcraft Mystery, #5)

by Juliet Blackwell

As the owner of a popular vintage clothing store, Lily Ivory can enjoy a day of antique jewelry shopping and still call it work. But as one of San Francisco’s resident witches, searching for hidden treasures can sometimes lead to dangerous discoveries…
When Lily arrives at an antique jewelry fair, her bargain sensors go off left and right—but she also picks up a faint vibration of magic. Could the hard-bargaining merchant Griselda be a fellow practitioner? It certainly seems that way when a sudden fire sends panic through the crowd, and Lily discovers Griselda murdered in a way that nods to an old-fashioned witch hunt…
A crime that hits close to home turns into an unwelcome flash from the past when the police bring in their lead suspect—Lily’s estranged father. Though he may not deserve her help, Lily is determined to clear her father’s name and solve a murder that’s anything but crystal clear. 

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 stars. Excellent read I didn't want to put down until it was over. The characters feel like friends at this point and it's nice to 'visit' with them at Aunt Cora's Closet.

The plot line is a big one - maybe a teensy bit too big even for the suspension of disbelief - but a fun one. Even though the 'bad guys' are clear from the beginning, the villain of the murder wasn't at all and surprised me a bit.

I'd have liked to see a bit more of Sailor but at least he puts in his appearance eventually. Some explanations of behaviour would be nice too. But I can't wait until I get to visit the gang again. I'm only sorry I'll have to wait another year to do it.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 July, 2013: Reviewed
  • Started reading
  • 12 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 July, 2013: Reviewed