Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

To go from driving your car to ending being in a strange place and told you are dead is overwhelming enough but when you get in the wrong queue and end up being your favourite singer Guardian Angel is something else entirely.

Ashley wasn’t ready to be a guardian angel, she hadn’t had any training at all. She didn’t have a clue on what she was doing. Luckily she met other guardian angels with their assignments so asked them what she is meant to do.

I loved the book. I think it is every young girls dream to be with their celebrity crush although not quite in the way that Ashley did. I really liked Ashley she was young she was funny and quite grown up really for her age. Her assignment Cannon seemed to be quite nasty to most people he spoke to but inside he was so unhappy. Nothing what Ashley had thought he would be and in truth I am sure none of us think that our celeb crush could be like that. Maybe because when they are on the TV or at a concert they jump into a roll that they play.
There was some sadness in the book you could feel the pain of both characters. There were also funny occasions which made me giggle and there were some surprises along the way too.

Very well written and an enjoyable read.

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  • 5 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2012: Reviewed