Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I read this book in one I am a sucker for historical romance and with it being set in England and Victorian, I was a very happy girl.

Once I started reading the book, I was drawn into the characters. I felt really bad for Isabel. Someone tried to kill her twice, she is the governess to a bratty 13 year old, she has to constantly dodge the attention of her charge's father and she falls in love with Paige's (the 13 year old) uncle. Plus, she is trying to find out who has it out for her.

I did find it fascinating about the clear lines of who could marry who back then. Men (well the rich ones) couldn't marry "below" themselves (ie the maid/governess) and if they did, they were shunned. Lower class women could marry up but they were ridiculed and often accused of being a gold digger (for lack of a better word).

I could not have lived in such a male dominated society. Women could be seen, not heard. Wives were supposed to live with their husbands having mistresses. The help (ie maids/governesses) were supposed to just give into the master of the households.

The author did a great job of keeping who wanted to hurt Isabel until literally the last chapter.

Will I read this book again? Yes.

Will I reccomend it to family and friends? Yes.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 17 October, 2012: Reviewed