Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

That is it! When I picked up this book, I must admit I could not remember exactly what had happened at the end of the first book. I remembered the premise, and then bam I was panicking as I remembered exactly how it ended! I am not even joking from the opening pages I was on edge. I flew through this book, mainly through the fear of the two storylines flowing through the book.

Detective Tom Fabian is back, and we are taken back to events from before the first book, where he had captured Christopher Wisher, a chilling chilling serial killer, who made Fabian the detective he is today due to the exposure from the case. Wisher, in the present day, gives Fabian a diary, everything seeming so cryptic before the contents of the diary begin to make sense. In a way, Wisher could be seen as a cult leader with the amount of influence he holds, and it was interesting to see how it all plays out especially from what is alluded to from the first book.

However, whilst we play detective, there is a secondary storyline that is running through this book, which picks up directly from the first book. This storyline had me nervous, on edge, if I bit my fingernails I would have NONE!

Sorry I cannot tell you what it is because well….it’s not in the blurb so you know READ THE BOOK tee hee

Ok, seriously now, I would read the first book…first…because it really does give you the bigger picture to Fabian and his team, his family life and it gives you the first chance to just fall in love with the series (as much as you can on a murder series!). Wisher is alluded to in the first book, and as mentioned the secondary storyline is fed through from the first book. When book one is so clever with the murders, to keep you guessing, this book takes it up an extra notch. You may have an idea to who the killer is, but let me tell you… you won’t. You may get an inkling, but you won’t solve it. Please, I would love you to prove me wrong…but I don’t think you will.

Like Mr Parker’s previous book, book one, the writing flows, it is intense and it keeps you turning the pages as you become invested in Fabian and his team, cheering them along to solve the unsolvable. I say unsolvable because Mr Parker has been sneaky!! That ending! Seriously, I mean I know it’s publication day but I want the next book now please, I have been on the nice list all year! This ending is what I call “book hangover” ending and only a few books have ever done this to me….I know that a lot of people do not like this ending, but I do, in an upside-down way, because it keeps the interest in the series, the anticipation to whether it will be solved in the next book and what the hell is going to happen!!

OMG! How can that be the end??

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  • 17 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 17 December, 2018: Reviewed