Seeker by Kim Chance


by Kim Chance

Lainey's normal, bookworm life no longer exists. With her family murdered by the Master, she joins forces with a group of Supernatural rebels. But as she struggles to cope with her new role as Keeper and the uncontrollable power it gives her, Lainey realizes that magic does indeed leave a mark--but it's not always physical. Ty isn't one of the good guys. He's done terrible things, and he won't stop until he gets what he wants. Even if it hurts. Even if it means betraying the girl he loves . . . again. For Maggie, all her comic book dreams have come true, and her new life as a Shifter is just beginning. But with war closing in, is it truly a dream or a death sentence? In the ultimate battle for power, Lainey, Ty, and Maggie must face-off against the Master, and work together to discover the greatest weapon of all. Seek and you will find.

Reviewed by writehollydavis on

5 of 5 stars

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I also had the pleasure of beta reading a draft of Seeker, but it was already a 5/5 in my eyes. With this final version completely refined, it blew me away again and remains the 5/5 I only give to books that are truly amazing and impacted me.

You guys, this book had me shook! Kim's writing style, the tension, the character development. I AM HERE FOR ALL OF THE FEELS. The prose was beautiful yet easy to read, the character arcs, consistency, dialogue, and setting descriptions were all on point, and of course, Kim is a master (no pun intended) at chapter cliffhangers. This is a story you don't want to miss.

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  • 2 October, 2018: Reviewed