Breathing Room by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Breathing Room

by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Isabel Favor is a life-style coach whose life is falling apart. Her accountant has run off with her money, her reputation is in tatters and her fiance has just dumped her for an older woman. Isabel needs to escape so she heads for Tuscany determined to find a little perspective - breathing room - and start over. Instead she ends up in a hotel room with Hollywood bad boy Lorenzo Gage. He makes his living killing people...on the screen at least. Ren's reputation is blacker than black. But when you're everyone's favourite villain, it goes with the territory. Isabel's always prided herself on her neatly ordered life. But look where being good has got her. Maybe it's time to live a little...?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

BREATHING ROOM is one of those SEP books that just fun. Fun because of the extremely witty banter between the hero and heroine. And fun because Susan Elizabeth Phillips can make you believe you are wherever her characters are.

In BREATHING ROOM, we're introduced to very high strung, always in control Dr. Isabel Favor. She's a self-help guru who finds herself without money, a fiance or patients. So in a not so Dr. Favor move, she impulsively flies off to Tuscany, books at a villa and was determined to figure out a way to put herself back on track. But she mets Lorenzo Gage, Hollywood's hot villan, and her already out of control world spins even more.

Ren and Isabel has a chemistry from the moment they met and it was hard not to fall under their spell as the battled with each other. Their banter, wit and sometimes sarcasm drew me to them. But it wasn't just them. It was Ren's ex-wife Tracy and her husband struggling to keep their marriage together. There was a little bit of everything in the book: sass, fun, hot sex and a very believable emotional connection between the characters and the reader.

If you haven't read a Susan Elizabeth Phillips book before. This is a great one to start your love affair with, because you will fall in love with SEP and her style of writing.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 July, 2014: Reviewed