How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea by Mira Grant

How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea (Newsflesh Novella)

by Mira Grant

A new Newsflesh novella from the New York Times bestselling author that brought you Feed, Mira Grant.

Post-Rising Australia can be a dangerous place, especially if you're a member of the government-sponsored Australia Conservation Corps, a group of people dedicated to preserving their continent's natural wealth until a cure can be found. Between the zombie kangaroos at the fences and the zombie elephant seals turning the penguin rookery at Prince Phillip Island into a slaughterhouse, the work of an animal conservationist is truly never done - and is often done at the end of a sniper rifle.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

The Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant is one of my all time favorites, so I was tickled to see How Green This Land, How Blue this Sea. This Newsflesh novella takes place in Australia. We travel into fenced of areas where they have quarantined elephants, kangaroo and other large animals infected with the virus . They have found a way to separate animals that amplify and allow them to live freely. Mahir is our guide as he journeys across country as a visiting journalist. I simple adored his dry, witty sense of humor. We learn a little more about the virus and reservoir condition which I found interesting. I think this tale is for die-hard fans, as it didn’t really have a storyline in the traditional sense, but rather showed us another post-rising community. Having said that, I truly think this novella opens the door to more books for Newsflesh. I will secretly hope that happens.

originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 1 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 August, 2013: Reviewed