World of Trouble by Ben H Winters

World of Trouble (The Last Policeman, #3)

by Ben H Winters

Critically acclaimed author Ben H. Winters delivers this explosive final installment in the Edgar Award winning Last Policeman series. With the doomsday asteroid looming, Detective Hank Palace has found sanctuary in the woods of New England, secure in a well-stocked safe house with other onetime members of the Concord police force. But with time ticking away before the asteroid makes landfall, Hank's safety is only relative, and his only relative-his sister Nico-isn't safe. Soon, it's clear that there's more than one earth-shattering revelation on the horizon, and it's up to Hank to solve the puzzle before time runs outfor everyone.

Reviewed by lovelybookshelf on

4 of 5 stars

Just as in the first two books, this conclusion to the trilogy addressed moral and ethical questions that arise when people know there's no longer any hope. The previous books addressed these issues with a bit more finesse, but it's still a major theme here. When I started World of Trouble, I couldn't imagine a convincing ending that I'd be okay with, but Winters surprised me once again. Read my full review of this title at A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall.

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  • 20 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2014: Reviewed