Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

5 of 5 stars

This was a fascinating conclusion for the Darkhawk Infinity Countdown line. Based on how things ended, I feel like it’s safe for me to hope that we’ll be seeing him again soon. They’re certainly hoping to make something of it – otherwise they wouldn’t have hinted at a new plot, right? My theory is that we’ll be seeing both Darkhawk and Nova in the Infinity War series that’s coming up, and from there if it sells well they may get their own series. At least that’s what I’m hoping/counting on.
I’m really happy with how things were handled in this issue. We got a final conclusion for the Darkhawk/Starhawk plot, the Robbie plot went somewhere, and we got conflict between Nova and Darkhawk. That may be surprising for some, but it felt perfectly natural to me. For one thing these characters are very different from one another; they think and see things different, and they have different ways of handling situations. They are both incredibly stubborn, but in different ways. Additionally it’s safe to say that Nova was emotionally compromised for this entire fight. We could argue that Darkhawk was as well, since there’s the whole threat to Chris Powell’s existence. So yeah, it was a fight waiting to happen.
I actually am happy that this happened. When reading the Avengers for example, you don’t expect to see all of the characters get along all the time, do you? No, of course not! Tony Stark and Steve Rogers are almost constantly budding heads, especially when it’s about the bigger picture or moral grounds. So them establishing this dynamic might imply something bigger for both characters, which I would absolutely love to see.
I will confess that I’m really sad to see this series end. I know that there’s a decent chance this isn’t actually the end…but I was really enjoying myself here. I hope other people agree with me; the better the sales are the more likely they are to pick Darkhawk/Nova back up.

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  • 12 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 12 July, 2018: Reviewed