Ransomed Dreams by Amy Wallace

Ransomed Dreams (Defenders of Hope, #1)

by Amy Wallace

Chained To Yesterday...

When tragedy struck and Gracie Lang lost everything, her faith crumbled, and nothing but the drive for justice propelled her forward. But after two years of dead-end searching, the truth Gracie seeks is the very thing her stalker will stop at nothing to hide.

Forgiveness Unlocks the Future...

An FBI agent in the Crimes Against Children Unit, Steven Kessler spends his days rescuing other people’s children and nights caring for his son. He’s through with God, embittered by his ex-wife who abandoned them both, and definitely doesn’t expect what’s coming next.

The Past Is the Key...

A plot to kidnap a British ambassador’s daughter dangerously intersects Steven and Gracie’s worlds–a collision that demands a decision. But are they willing to pay the high ransom required to redeem dreams and reignite hope?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

I have to start this review with my disclaimer as I do for many.. I just do not really like the "real" contemporary fiction books, they are not my "escape". With that said, when I started this book it was just so real and heart wrenching that I was going to put it back and not even try to read it. But, I couldn't. No matter how bad I was feeling and the facts of the storyline depressing, I just had to know what happened. I couldn't put it down and had to find out what would happen to Gracie and her life. So, obviously, Amy's writing hooked me.

I'd say that the type of story is much like that Justice series of Karen Ball. They are similar in that they touch many aspects of life and a very true to reality. I did enjoy the overall story, with getting to the end. The message of Christ's love and forgiveness throughout is very refreshing and great to see in a "real" environment, since so often in life it appears to be only quietly present.

Now for my rant. Parts that I did not like was that it seemed nobody was in their original marriage. Maybe it's just because of the way that I am, but that bothered me. I'm a marriage is for life person, there is no second, but I know many people disagree with that. In this story there was a widower remarried, a wife who abandoned her husband and remarried her adultreous partner, a woman living out of wed-lock with her children's father, and then hints at other remarriages. I do not know why it bothered me so, but it did that just one couple it seemed was married to their original spouse.

Overall, the message is great, and I do think this book would appeal to the reader who enjoys the edgy storyline. There are cops and criminals, death and life, some romance and Christ's love and a great message. This is a book that would probably appeal also to those outside of the normal "Christian Fiction" genre, because it is not the flowery and overly preachy sort, but it is still present.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 July, 2008: Finished reading
  • 6 July, 2008: Reviewed