Reviewed by Eve1972 on

3 of 5 stars


This cover model dude sure gets around. I believe it is the same guy as on the RIPPLE EFFECT covers! Anywho, this is a great cover in my opinion. A good representation of the story within. It's eye-catching and with fairly good composition. I do not completely love the placement of the title. It feels a bit "off" somehow to me. The typography is interesting though.

Meh...this one was OK for me. There wasn't anything wrong with it per se. I just don't particularly like the whole "I am going to seduce you as a means to an end" trope. Mostly because I spend the entire book with a knot in my stomach feeling bad for the party in the dark.

In this book that scenario lasted for 90% of the plot. Alas, the longer it went on and as more and more people became involved. Francesca's remaining in the dark about Caleb using her and (EVERYTHING else under the sun) had the unfortunate effect of me feeling like she was an idiot. It also turned me off of Caleb and his friends. And because she doesn't find out everything until WAY late in the book the ending felt rushed to me. Caleb certainly needed to do a hell of a lot more groveling in my opinion.

So ya, I didn't love it. I still think this author can write a great book and there was twists and turns and action galore. So it's worth a read for that alone.

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  • 8 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 March, 2017: Reviewed