The British Knight by Louise Bay

The British Knight (The Royals)

by Louise Bay

When I’m offered the chance to leave New York to live in London for three months, I can’t pack my suitcase fast enough.

As soon as I touch down I’m obsessing over red telephone boxes, palaces and all the black cabs. But my favorite place is the tube. It’s wall-to-wall hot British men in suits.

When I’m offered a temporary job working for a barrister, I say, sign me up. On my first commute into work, it’s a total accident when I lose my balance and fall against the most handsome Brit alive. He’s as charming as James Bond and as suave as Mr. Darcy. I want to lick tea from his hard abs and listen to his accent all night long.

Turns out Mr. Handsome is my new boss. And his attitude isn’t as hot as his gorgeous face, broad shoulders and tight ass. He’s brooding, short-tempered and the most arrogant man I’ve ever met.

As we’re fighting, out of nowhere he kisses me. And I’m pretty sure I see fireworks over Big Ben and hear God Save the Queen. I wasn’t looking for the fairytale but I might have found my knight in shining armor.

The problem is he lives an ocean away.

A stand-alone, enemies to lovers, grumpy sunshine romance.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


I enjoyed this one a lot. I almost always do when it comes to this author, so no surprise that this one was no different. Her books are always just straight up romances without a ton of angst and drama. They make you laugh. The make you cry. They always leave you smiling. Just another excellent read by Miz Bay.


So onto the deets...I found this one to be very well written. The pace was fairly good. I found it a little slow moving in places and a little too long. But to be honest I have a wicked cold and feel less than stellar so that could well be the head fog talking (lol). There was little angst and no OW/OM drama. The couples attraction was quite instant and there wasn't very much push/pull. The sex scenes were hot and there was a reasonable amount of them. There were some great secondary characters that consisted of couples from previous books. I hope that Darcy is getting her own book soon. Both main characters were extremely likable. Alex was hot and driven. But he was also sweet and (I felt) vulnerable. Violet was a breath of fresh air that blew in and shook up Alex's carefully constructed foundations. I loved her. She was a great heroine. Funny and sweet. Sassy and vulnerable. Together they had great on page chemistry. That said, I wasn't a fan of theirs towards the end and how the big drama played out. I thought Violet overreacted to the situation and Alex underreacted to Violet's overreaction. Last, it was all wrapped up in a nice little bicontinetal HEA. Nothing much left to say...this one gets two solid thumbs up from yours truly.

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  • 30 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 30 November, 2017: Reviewed