Wicked Ties by Shayla Black

Wicked Ties (Wicked Lovers, #1)

by Shayla Black

When a stalker ratchets up his attempts to get to her, cable sex talk show host Morgan O'Malley turns to Jack Cole-a self-proclaimed dominant- for help. Though Jack is a bodyguard, Morgan feels anything but safe in his presence. Because slowly and seductively, Jack is bringing her deepest fantasies to the surface. And when he bends her to his will, what's more shocking than her surrender is how much she enjoys it and how she starts to crave his masterful touch. A willing player in Jack's games, Morgan knows that his motives aren't pure. But she has no idea how personal they are.

Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

3 of 5 stars

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Well, something tells me I enjoyed that way more than I should...
But what I really didn't like was the lack of depth. It seems like the author chose the easy way; they are soul mates, meant to be, instead of actually putting time in establishing their love, in making it seem real and emotional. Instead, it all felt based on physical attraction. Granted, really great attraction, but I didn't feel it was enough, which is why I gave it 3 stars. It might be more close to 2.5/2.7 stars, only because I really didn't enjoy the rash and lack of what I felt real connection. I mean, three days of having sex hardly feels like a way to establish the emotional connection the author says they have, and writes off as being possible due to Jack's family curse... ~sigh~

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  • Started reading
  • 17 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 17 June, 2012: Reviewed