Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars

Falling From Eternity is the latest release from Megan Duncan, author of Warm Delicacy series and the Agents of Evil series. Megan did an amazing job, using the voice of a man for this story, and doing it well. William was entirely lovable, the vampire with a heart that was determined to live differently than others of his kind. I was hooked from the very beginning when his soft heart was shown in his grief for Hazel, a resident at the center at which he worked. I loved that warm side of him and it made me keep turning the pages.

It had all the angst and action you could want, but it was also sweetly romantic in a way that I haven't read before. The love story between Autumn and William was slow-building and sweet and led to me bawling like a baby more than once. Their romance made the ending even more of a shocker!

Judging from the end, I am assuming there will be more of William in the future, and I certainly hope there will be. The cliffjanger ending was perfect, just enough of a tease to keep me wanting more! FANTASTIC!

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  • Started reading
  • 2 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 2 December, 2012: Reviewed