Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Guardian's Bond the first in the Ancient Ink series introduces us to the Volan and promises an exciting series arc. This race of shifters unlike most shifters we know view their animal as a companion. Both their animal form and abilities are gifted to them at the time of their quickening. Priest Rahandras is the spiritual guide of the clan. There are different families and branches each with its own healer, protector, sorcerer etc. When Priest was chosen as leader his brother in a fit of jealousy turned to the dark. During an attempted coup he wiped out almost a generation of the clan. The surviving clans scattered and Priest thought his brother was dead.  Now, dreams warn of danger to come and a knock on the door soon alerts him that the threat isn't over. Now he must assemble the clan and prepare to stop his brother once and for all.

In this first book, Morgan builds the world, while introducing us to key characters and allowing Priest to find his mate. The story is heavy with sensuality and pushed into the erotic genre with heated and detailed scenes. While the scenes were well done, I found myself eager to return to the action, threat, and development of the world. I like my stories to be balanced and this was not.

The worldbuilding was clever in that Kateri and her brother know almost nothing about the Volan until their parents were murdered. Through their spirit walks and training, we learn about their clan. It made for a fast-paced story with virtually no info dumps. I loved events in the big house that Priest owns, and like how tattoos play a part in their clan.

The mythology, the structure of the clan and the different types of companions from owls to panthers was fascinating. I like that each clan member is tested and that Priest in his role acts as their spiritual guide. Native American stories came to mind as I listened and the paranormal elements had a believability to them.

Nicole Poole narrates and as always does a wonderful job with pacing, character voices and setting the tone. She is one of my favorites and as I said, it was her name that pulled me to this story. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 1 April, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 1 April, 2018: Reviewed