Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars


Defiant Attraction is a little gem of a debut book. While not perfect, it was good and I enjoyed it! I think it worked as a shorter book as opposed to being 300+ pages.

You have lots of classic story tropes colliding: step-brother (ish), wrong side of the tracks, rich assholes, drunk/abusive parents. Sophia is a dynamic character who is at that age when her life is before her but she has no idea who she really is. As things start to heat up with Dan, her world becomes less black and white and she realizes that she doesn't have to be who everyone thinks or assumes she is. Dan is a great hero-kindhearted, protective, a bad boy with a heart of gold for Sophia.

The plot deals with some issues beyond just the taboo of the step-brother type relationship. Dan and Sophia's parents are abusive alcoholics, Sophia is cyber bullied and basically kicked out of school for it, and Sophia is also dealing with a crazy ex boyfriend who can't understand she isn't interested. Through all this though, Sophia is an honor's student, taking AP classes, and mastering the cello enough to get the Stanford orchestra to notice. So, while the tropes presented aren't new, the dichotomy of all this together creates a compelling story about 2 characters you will love.

The writing is compelling and Torston weaves words seamlessly to create vivid scenes and evoke a lot of emotion. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect with this story, but Defiant Attraction is one of the better debut books I have read!


  • POV: 1st

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: step-brother, abusive parents

  • Triggers: There is a scene where Sophia is assaulted by her ex (physically), and also a scene where Dan is physically beaten by his father.

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone

  • Cliffhanger: no

  • HEA: yes with epilogue

Wicked Beginnings by LA Cotton, Paper Princess by Erin Watt, Deeper by Robin York...then you will probably like Defiant Attraction!


Defiant Attraction


See full review on The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2017: Reviewed