Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

Sacred Ring was a brilliant short story with a lot of emotion. It was set in Ireland.
Kynan's character was that of a typical teenage boy getting into trouble with his friends. When he found his parents were separating it his world crumbled. He was angry and upset and wanted to cause trouble to lash out, Which I think a lot of people who have had parents breaking up can relate to. When finding out about a Sacred Ring of Saint Valentine on a field trip was buried deep in one of the caves on the Northern Coast of Ireland. He, his friend Michael and Brianna went with him on a quest to find it, to bring his parents back together.
This was an exciting book to read full of emotion with lots great twists and turns.
It was very well written and had me gripped right through to the very end.
The detail in the book was fantastic I felt like I had been transported over to Ireland.
With only 81 pages you can read it in a couple of hours too so a quick read but a GOOD read!

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  • Started reading
  • 9 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 9 February, 2012: Reviewed